Animations & Overviews:
Novatsep Centrolock Guided Transverse Osteotomy System
Novastep Presslock Compression Plates
Novastep Nexis Cannulated Screws
Novastep Lync Hammertoe Correction System
Novastep Centrolock Guided Transverse Osteotomy
Novastep Arcad Nitinol Compression Staples
Novastep PECA Bunion Correction Implants
Novastep Airlock Lapidus Plates
Novastep Airlock MTP Fusion Plates
Novastep Airlock Forefoot/Midfoot Plating System
Novastep AirlockGO
Cadaveric Demonstrations & Techniques:
Dr. Alan Ng, DPM talks through a Presslock with Peca C Lapidus
Part 2 – Centrolock Cadaveric Demonstration
Part 1 – Centrolock Cadaveric Demonstration
Mapping the Osteotomy & Medial Eminence Resection with PECA System
Reduction, K-Wires Placement & Implant with PECA System
Chevron Osteotomy with PECA System
Akin Osteotomy and Final X-Ray with PECA System
First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Fusion with Airlock MTP Fusion Plate and Nexis Compression Screw
First Metatarsal-Cuneiform Arthrodesis using Airlock Lapidus Plate and Nexis Compression Screw
Airlock Lisfranc Plates Review and Demonstration
First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Arthrodesis using Arcad Nitinol Compression Staples
Surgeon Interviews:
Surgeons Interviews
Surgeons Interviews
Pecaplasty® Instrumented MIS System
Instruments Inspection Instruction:
White Papers:

Operative Techniques:

miFoot Brochure